Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Hunger Games

I don't know about the rest of you but, I am in love with the Hunger Game books! Haven't been able to see the movie yet but, I already have plans on when to see it, and I can't even express how excited I am!!!

While I read the first book, I'm sure my family thought I was going insane because, almost every five minutes I was either sighing with relief, laughing, saying 'oh my gosh' fifteen times fast, or jumping up and down.. oh and not to mention the occasional crying. The book was so amazing! And still, I have to admit, I have the leftover emotions from the book each time I think about The Hunger Games.

Here is a video I wanted to share with you:

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Dear Family and Friends,
I’d like to share with you a trip that I am going to take that will be a life changing experience for the people I come in contact with, as well as myself.

Can you envision a land where poverty, hardship, hunger and a lack of resources both spiritually and physically keep many from hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to me. June 21-28, I will be going to Guadalajara, Mexico with a team from Fire church and my youth group, The Furnace. My one-week trip will focus on coming along side a missionary family that has been in the area for 12 years. The family currently oversees a School of Ministry and help support several churches in the area. Here’s a little more detail:
  • First, we will be allowing God to work in our lives through the personal enrichment that comes from this type of mission trip. I’m certain God will change my life greatly as a result of stepping out to serve Him in this important area.
  • Second, we will be participating in helping with a children’s feeding program, where over 10 children are fed a warm meal.
  • Third, we will be evangelizing door to door during the week and also evangelizing in the marketplace
  • Fourth, we’ll be involved in teaching in the School of Ministry.
  • Fifth, we’ll be doing a Vacation Bible School for children.
  • Sixth, we will be involved in Community Outreaches where we’ll sing, do puppet shows share our testimonies, share the Gospel, and work with Children.   

I’m excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people. In order to go on this mission trip I need to raise $1500.00 by April 25th.  If you can support me  in a financial way, I would be very grateful. And, most importantly, I also need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading in our ministry in Mexico. Without prayer, little or nothing will happen.

If you would like to be part of this mission through your financial support, send a check to: 8410 Pit Stop Court Concord, NC 28027 by April 25th. Please make your check payable to Fire Church. It is imperative that you mark the memo portion of your check: Kassidy Burke  Mexico Mission Trip. You may also give by going online to: Just make sure you put my name  in the comment box. All contributions are tax deductible.
Thank you so much for prayerfully considering if this is something you’d like to participate in. May God bless you for your time and support.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Music Delights the Mind

As I sit here, eating jellybeans and listening to the soundtrack of The Holiday movie, my mind races with sayings and pictures, thoughts that only music can inspire. But yet there is not one thought that I can fully explain to you in mere words... even though 80% of my thoughts have to do with words... I can't. I really have no idea why I'm writing to you except the excuse that I wanted to write something, anything!

How about this as a subject, music. It is a beautiful thing! Full of wonder and awe... another thing that amazes me about music is that in some lovely way it has the power to over take your soul and mind in entirely new ways, and in avenues, you never thought possible just because your listening to it. It gives sight a sound.. like that moment in a movie when the two lover's look at each other in the eyes... music gives a voice to the scene that nothing else can... it's overwhelming, and compelling. Music is a breath to the mind, and a escape to the human imagination!

Hans Zimmer does a excellent job for The Holiday, it's absolutly beautiful! Here is a sample of the soundtrack below:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Take on Relationships

Dear friends,
I've been learning the art of developing relationships, and I was just wondering if any of you knew that it could be a job? Building relationships takes so much time and effort, plus its hard.
Have you ever considered how hard it is to learn "small talk"? Ugh! Its ridiculous. You either know it and do it extremely well, or you don't know how at all and if you don't... you might as well forget talking.
The other thing I've learned is you must act on what you know about people, for example... if you know someones love language is quality time you must remember (even if you have twenty different things on your mind) to talk to that person, and ask about there cat... that you don't even care about.

The other thing you must learn to do is laugh.... at everything! If you don't laugh people look at you like your from mars... and then don't talk to you for the rest of the night. Also, you must learn peoples sense of humor, or else it will be extremely awkward when you show them something that you think is funny and they could care less. (Hate that one) Oh.. I forgot to mention one of the most difficult things yet, getting to know that one person, or two, that you've known for a YEAR and still yet, you always feel like you've just met... you guys feeling me?
Don't get me wrong I love relationship but, its a hard boat to sail. And I simply wrote this up.. to say what we've all been feeling.