Monday, May 30, 2011

Avioding Situations...

Dear Readers,
I have to say even though I have not been spending time with God like I should, He surely does speak to you even if you don't speak to Him. He has spoke through blog post of friends, words of fellow chums and even the foolishness of the world!
His creation is so beautiful, and sometimes I find my self wishing I could literally take my bed place it  in the middle of a field and sleep there.
I also find my self lately wishing for more time with friends and wanting to just be with people but, then after those long thoughts, and talks with invisible people and me realizing my real motives for wanting persons company is because I am either avioding a situation with my self or trying to aviod something God wants me to do.
Its really trying... and this time I find that its a situation with my self! Lately I've been wondering about my future, my past and if in the end, I will truely be happy with the life I've lived or atleast tried to live. I am finding that just now, in this year, I am actually discovering my real self and who I am, what my motives are, my beliefs etc.
So far I have found that my entire life is built on other people. Which for someone who hardly talks to anyone in person or has close friendship with hardly anyone as of late. Its odd that it is built on the very thing I hardly know of... It is not entirly bad but, when others opinoin of your self become the prime of who you think you are, then it becomes a problem.
So now I'm trying to step back, relax, and focus on things in my self that need to change. That actually reminds me of a quote from the "Dawn Treader", which we watched last night. It says:

"You must first defeat the darkness in your self, to defeat the darkness out there."

How true that is... I've been trying to change the world from a outside in perspective but, really you must change the world from a inside out perspective, changing your self first and then your self will act of the heart, and into the world with pure actions when you get your heart in the right place.
So really when I aviod the situations going on inside, I am avioding changing the world.
So in these next seasons while grasping the heart of God and grace for my self, I'm going to try not to aviod the situation that needs most attention, changing my self and just letting God lead me in who I really am.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Something New!

Dear friends,
I have noticed that views and everyday life are hard to combine on one blog. So I have created a second blog for my everyday life... and then this one will be used for my veiws and encounters with God!

Here is my new blog:

Create your own banner at!

Passe: means old fashioned~

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Dear Friends,
sorry for not posting. I am in Cleveland, Tennessee! :) I am with my cousins visiting them and watching them, with the help of my parents, while their parents are off to a conference! So ten people in one house... its been fun. We are going hiking tomorrow and then swimming at a lake. I love the outdoors, they inspire me beyond my own mind.
I am not promising any pictures... because I am noticing I haven't been keeping my word in that area! (Sorry.)

I hope you all have a great week, God bless!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An Interesting Conversation!

As some of you know, I go to IHOP (International. House. Of. Prayer.) and being a part of IHOP I've been tested and told things about it. Like its a "cult"- "Julie Meyer is a false prophet" and so forth. Now I know some of you don't believe in some of the things of the Spirit but, here is a conversation I wanted to share.

I might be going to IHOP's (International House of Prayer) high school conference FASCINATE this summer, and I was just wondering if any rebelutionaries were going?

I was thinking of turning the trip to the conference into a ministry idea and car pooling from Orlando Florida, with some high schoolers that would like to go and with chaperons of course, to Kansas City for the conference ... but that is still up in the air at this point.

If you don't know what IHOP is, here is a link: (IHOP is awesome, by the way.) 


I felt that I should post this - while I sincerely hope I do not offend you, I must defend the gospel.

Please watch this video,

I know the content of what Mr. Friel says in the video is true! This is not a movement that we as Rebelutionaries should be involved in! I would beg anyone reading this, please do not attend an International House of Prayer meeting! While prayer is wonderful, the teachings in this movement are unbiblical. 

 This is me...

I watched the video. I've heard this for awhile, and I have done my research but, I was wondering how it is unbiblical?
The other girl...

Kassie Burke wrote:
I watched the video. I've heard this for awhile, and I have done my research but, I was wondering how it is unbiblical?

The IHOP movement is unbiblical in many ways, one of those ways being their worship serivces. In the worship serivces there is a lot of repetition, which is part of the new-age mysticism movement. In one video I watched of an IHOP meeting the people there repeated one line in a song for two hours, in another instance I heard of a young man was told by an IHOP leader to repeat a scripture over and over for 2 hours - or until he "recieved Revelation from God". Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to act this way.
There have been many, many reports of young people leaving an IHOP conference and not remembering what they had just seen because they felt they were in a "state of hypnosis". This is caused by repetitive, hypnotic sounds which can induce trance-like states by focusing the brain’s attention on a minimal set of sensory inputs.
Just because the words to the songs are about Jesus does not mean that they are okay! (See 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Corinthians 14:15 and Galatians 5:22-23)

Another instance is the common "jerking, twitching, and lack of sanity" that comes over many of the IHOP leaders as they pray. This was the description one young lady shared when she came back from an IHOP conference. We know that a lack of sanity or being unable to control ourselves is not of God! The Bible tells us in many passages that God commands us to be sober, and the dictionary tells us that definition of that word is not only free from alochol and drugs, but also being self-restrained and rational.

One girl emailed me and asked (as response to my previous post) "How can prayer be "wonderful" and right when the teaching is wrong?"
The answer to this is that when a man tells us how we must pray then it is unbiblical.

A young woman (we'll call her Alice) graduated high school and decided to go into the IHOP ministry as an intern, little did she know what she was getting into. She spent several months living at the IHOP "ministry" to learn under the leaders. She recalls spending hours and hours in the prayer room, yet for the entire time she was there she never once talked to God from her heart. While she was in the prayer room she was required to pray certain prayers (There's Catholocism mixed into this movement too) and fill out worksheets. They were requred to stay in the prayer room for 2 hours - no exceptions for any reason. She said there were leaders who always stood like guards blocking the door preventing any of the interns from leaving. There were many mentally damaging things that happened to this young lady, when she left she had expected to be on fire for God and rejoicing in Him. Instead she left in a state of serious depression and the only thing she wanted to do was warn others of the extreme danger of this movement.

I could go on - but I think I've provided enough evidence that this movement is unbiblical. So, I hope someone who reads this can agree with me that the only "IHOP" we should be attending is the International House Of Pancakes. 

 A friend to help...

________, I am guessing that Kassie has talked to her parents, and they've probably decided that this is okay. There is different denominations in the church of God...Baptist, Protestant, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, Carasmatic, and so forth. This could be jsut another denomination. My church does no do that long of worship liek that, BUT we do have worship sometimes where there are repeated's a crying plea, or a uplifting praise. The jerking and twisting are manifestations of the Holy Spirit, kind of like praying in tongues. I'm not exactly sure what your church believes on this, but I think that there are definate physical characteriscs that happen, like the jerking and twisting.

I'm not saying any of this confrontationally, but you need to make sure that you go on all grounds before you tell someone that something is evil!

If you have any questions, I'm not an expert but I'm able to answer some. PM ME!!!

The other girl's reply....
The jerking and twisting are manifestations of the Holy Spirit, kind of like praying in tongues. I'm not exactly sure what your church believes on this, but I think that there are definate physical characteriscs that happen, like the jerking and twisting.

Britt, I'm really not trying to be confrontational, but I'm just wondering why you think that jerking and twisting are signs of the Holy Spirit? As far as I can see in the Bible when people are unable to control their bodies it is caused demon possession, not the Holy Spirit. The Bible calls us to be sober. 


All I say is this... on the day of Pentecost what do you believe happened? Because a lot more crazy things happened there then anything that has happened at IHOP. I know lots of people personaly that have gone to IHOP and I've seen them before they've gone, and when they came back. And they were more on fire when they came back... then when they went! I've seen the fruits of this "movement". God does call us to be self controlled to a extent but, when David danced for God and all his clothes fell off. God did not rebuke Him but, rebuke His wife! The holy spirit is apart of God, you cannot control God! John the baptist said in Mattew:

"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Matthew 3:11

IN Acts Jesus says:

4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with[a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with[b] the Holy Spirit.” Acts 1:4-5

You can't shake fire off. The only way to get it off is by putting it out... but if you put fire out, then its out! God comes as a flame and that is simply what the spirit is and I don't want that flame to go out because if it does you will lose it!
When God said for us to be sober he meant for us to not get so (overly) zealous for God that we start slashing peoples ears off, like Peter. Or yell at them to become Christians... A lot of the time we get overly zealous, frustrated, legalistic, etc. with people. So Him wanting us to be sober, is really a warning for us to not push people around or make them feel guilty so they will except Christ! He was not warning us against His spirit!

Now everyone before you point fingers here, I been on both sides so.... 

Just thought I would share... Kassie

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Journal Entry- Part 3. (Story of Esther)


After that I began to push my self to spend more time with Him. 
Here is a conversation I had in this time with Him:

-"God, I want a conversation with you."
* "Talk to me."
- "What do you truly want to teach me?"
* "My love for you."
- "God, I don't deserve you."
* "I know. (The 'I know' is a inside joke. Maybe I'll share it later. ;))
- "So why did you choose me?"
* "Kassie, it take many plants to make a garden but, only one to fill its one place perfectly."
- "Still, why me?"
* "Because no one could fill it as perfect as you can. My plans for you were made for you and you only!"
- "Me only?"
*"You alone I plan these plans for. Your call made for you, you must except the vision."
-"Help me step out of darkness, fully. Pull me out!"
* "I'm not going to make you love me, you have to decide."
-"I do want you."
*"Be a hero, not a victim."
-"God help me..."
*"I will and have, I love you."
-"I love you too, my Groom."
* "My Bride."

To tell you the truth, this conversation was so real! That it was hard for me to grasp that it was reality!
One thing I've learned is that a lot of the time we except Christ because at one time we loved Him but, lost the vision of His loveliness somehow or we except because its the right thing to do or because its a generational thing. Mine was the first... I don't really know how it happened... I think part of it was my mind set was just warped!

The next things He said was "Touch the door knob."- "I use youth! For wonders, it starts in youth and blossoms later." (Youth as in childhood or teen years.)
I thought He still was talking of my ministry but, He wasn't.
When He was talking of youth He was trying to remind me of the times where I, as a child cryed for Him. Me literally belting "I am a Friend of God." I finally got what He was saying when I read, the first couple of chapters of "Enjoying God." He talks of Ezekiel 16:1-6 This is where I realized what He was reminding me of a deeper love realationship I was ready for.

"Later, I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love." (Stop)

There that small part Jesus said "We were friends when you were a child, now I'm calling you deeper." (Gosh, I feel like I'm in one of those "perfect" romantic movies Hollywood always make! Except mine is real!!!!!... Everything I've ever dreamed for, Jesus is... He is my perfect match!)
Him saying "Touch the door knob." was Him wanting me to open the door of a deeper, more intimate realitionship with Him, and to fully rejoyce the way I was made to rejoyce!
My day of blossoming had come. I had to pursue it!
The next week, I just pursued God. Spent hours just thinking about Him. All through out the day, God just said "I love you!" I've been so tickled by what God has done and just Him in general!
I love Him! In pursuing Him, He has kissed me more than once with a verse. My two favorites are, Songs of Songs 1:1 and Philemon 1:7.

Songs of Songs 1:1 He said: "Love is my favorite song.
Philemon 1:7 - I find my self melting through out the day, by His simple touch on my spirit. It's hard to fathom but, yet not.

He has also called me His Esther. Which I didn't understand at first but, I do now! Last night my youth pastor, Nick, talked about laying down your desire for His desire. He talked of the narrow road, like a tunnel, we try to take in our own desires but it doesn't work, because the road is to narrow. They just won't fit! My favorite part was He talked about the path broadning once we fully start to desire Him, and really pursue.
After that the story of Esther clicked in my head. The narrow path is, like the training stage just like in the story of Esther how the virgins were chosen to be taken to the palace, they had to lay their past behind, all all they had for the desire of the King. They had to be trained a full year, before they entered to the King. Esther was chosen because of the God in her, even if the King didn't know at the time. When Esther's training was over and she entered the chamber of the king and all he had for her. Her training was done, it was her time to honor Him!
She had nothing to offer the king but, herself and she did that, she devoted herself to the King's desire even in training when she didn't know him at all! 
That's what God wants me to do now, be trained by Him. Him training me to love him fully and study His ways that way I can do the best for Him, give Him the love he so fully desires.
I have to be trained though... If I'm being training by God then, I'm all for it.

The next part that He showed me, is just like the story of Esther: Esther had to bring up her past to save her people. God said this: "There will be a time where those ideas will need to be used to save a people, then they will be used."


That was the end of that one.... but for those that read your Bible. ;) You know the story doesn't stop there! So I shall post more of My Journal- on a different day!

Thanks for reading and thanks for just taking the time to hear my story and what God's doing!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Dream! - Message to all!

So about two weeks ago, I had a dream. One of the craziest ones yet! I've had two others like this before... from God. The first one I had I was literally trembling... I had it when I was ten and then a second one this last fall! Then the one I'm about to share, like I said I had a couple weeks ago. There are a couple of other things God wants me to share and also I feel I need to cry out. So brace your selves, I'm about to get serious!

I was on a youth retreat, my youth group was there and some friends from another youth group and then some friends.
The hotel was the most beautiful- marble floors, glass rooms, and walls, inside fountains! I remember when we got there I went to my room and put my stuff down. Then I was trying to put earrings in and my bag fell... this girl from the group helped me.
Then I went down stairs and we as a group hungout around this beautiful fountain, pure clean water inside it... the fountain was in a glassroom, there were tons of people in this same area... so busy! Just pushing their way through people... Us as a group were just having fun and hanging out.
Something was going on at this Hotel and I knew it! The others didn't so much...
I kept noticing this woman around the hotel, watching me, us... mostly me. I knew this was more than a retreat for us and they knew I knew!
The top of this company/place, was a older man. He was planning something and I was going to find out what!
I knew I would be risking it... but I didn't care! I started being nosy, I started to find out things. Things they didn't want me too!
One thing was, the hotel had this grocery store, it was small and it was for the people who stayed at the hotel. The bread in this store was making people sick... REALLY sick!
I started to tell people they were slowly dying but, they were either to busy to care or just didn't listen. Then people of the hotel started watching me, a lot of people just went on in life not even noticing the things I was witnessing. Only those that wanted me quiet noticed...
Then I was in my room when men came in and took me to the grocery store warehouse.
They brought me into this open area and there was the woman- she stared at me for a moment when I started getting beat up by the men! I had soda in my hand... and I was trying to drink it.. they kept coming at me.
I remember, me being pushed into a corner. The woman watching me with a smirk on her face- She was the second in command of the company!
She kept saying "Don't tell anyone the things you have found out. If you do, we will kill you."
Then she told the men to stop. Then she said "And if anyone asked where you were tell them you went on a date with Marcus and your scares are what happened." as we were about to walk out.

Of course if my friends asked they would know that something was up by that reply because, I don't date.That's what I thought... I told the woman that too. She said "Follow me." I did. Men followed close behind to make sure I followed.
As we walked through the halls men in black suits were everywhere! I started telling the woman the delays of their plans... "They will know something is up!" - "Then keep it low key." - "They will find out about you and what your doing!" - "No they won't and if they do, we will know where to find them!"
The head joined us- "He asked "What is going on?" - "She won't stop ranting!" - "Then get her to!"
Then the woman says to me- "You'll probably want some rest!" The woman by this point was frustrated with me. She smiled a bit mockingly though when she said those words, as we went down a hall to a well guarded room!

The room was full of some of the strongest Christian youths I know. They were all trying to sleep.
A guard brought me in and said I was off limits to talk to and then he left.
I waited for someone to notice my scars and bruises... no one did, all were to tired. "Guys, they hurt me!" then one of the youth said " should be quiet. Aren't you tired?"
I was but, I knew I couldn't. I had to push and stay awake. I couldn't believe they all were sleeping, none of them noticing how beat up I was. They just wanted to sleep. We were about to die and they wanted to sleep!
I remember, just looking around not believing what I saw... Then I woke up.

The other stuff following later!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Raging Storm

Rains crash,
Storms yell at me,
I can feel the winds whip my skirt and my hair.
Everything around me is suddenly falling apart,
I have a million reasons to look a round but,
I don't!

My gaze is set on one,
My hope is in Him,
He is my joy and my resting place.
I can hear the screams of my flesh,
Saying look there and there!
I ignore and press forward,
Looking towards the peak,
The sun I see behind the clouds peering down at me.

In the myst of the storm,
 Our gaze met and His eyes kept me going.
His hand out to me,
Thats all I see,
I feel is Him.
I run to meet Him,
He does to me!
He has set me as a warrior,
His warrior to fight for His love,
 And the freedom of all people!

Pressing forward is,
 Learning to ignore everything and focused on one.
The tornadoes turns coming closer to me,
I see hurricanes coming but,
Continue to focus on the one light,
The light I can see,
 And almost fully feeling with every step.

I am not scared,
 For my Groom has taught me the signs,
I remember.
He whispers, "Remember my teachings."
The tornado is at my side,
The hurricanes at the other,
Rain pounding and snow coming.
Death is near,
I know.

The worlds are finally aligning,
The tornadoes colliding with the Earth.
Wind against the flesh of the Earth.
Spirit colliding with my flesh!
The rain I say thanks for it is Grace,
For I am soaked in it!

The tornado takes me up,
And so does the hurricane.
I am now in God's grip,
I am not afraid of death,
 For I already see His face.
There at the top I see the son,
 And then I enter the presence.
But wait I am not dead, I am alive.

Entering God's presence is like a tornato,
Loud  and uncomterble.
Scary and soul searching,
Full of all fruits,
A feast full of dealious foods!
Keep sight on the Son,
He is at the top of everywhere,
He is everywhere!
Raging is the wonderful storm,
 Of His presence!

Journal Entry- Part 2


Next thing He said was: "I'm going to intoxicate you, to intoxicate the nations." Here I thought: "Oh so He's going to use my ministry Generation Caspian?" That got me a bit frustrated because I'm thinking "When? He want's me to wait."
So after that I'm thinking... "Great! I need to focus on my vision of being a mother." So I start on that. During this time I also had interest in Esther. Didn't really understand why... something with her story I got really fascinated. I wasn't even the book of Esther! 
So I'm getting into motherhood vision, just going at it. This is why He wants me to wait till I'm seventeen. I got it! 

Then basically  God's like "No you don't, you don't got it." He of course doesn't say something like that, how I just wrote because He's a gentlemen. :) I think you get my point.
Then He said: "Would you be fine with me, do you love me enough to give me your dream of what your aspiring to be?
Of course I was blowen out of the water, and my honest answer was, sadly, no.

So I became even more frustrated, me not knowing why God called me to wait. Then God gave me the song, "Pursue Love/Me." :)
At the time I couldn't fully enjoy the song, because  I was just frustrated and even more so, when God said: "Pursue Me." My thoughts were " I am. Thats all I ever do!" The problem was I was loving God through my works and He simply wanted me to just love Him and sit with Him. I had a Martha spirit and He wanted me to have a Mary one.
His pursue did not stop there, He went on to say: "Lean on me, love me! Pursue me."
He wanted my frustration to rest in Him. He wanted my love  when, it was prune. I didn't understand how He could pursue me more with my bitter attitude towards Him, my past pressing me. It just made Him love me, all the more.
Thats when I decided to pray "God give me the streangth to go on without others."