Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Bride's Season

Last night my heart was moved, a speaker was talking of the Bride of Christ... the word spoke to me so much... I decided to go deeper into the heart of God for his feelings of the Bride in this time...

As I was worshiping this morning God spoke to me about the Bride, he showed me a picture.. it was the Bride crying for more, as Christ came to give her more she slapped him and got up and ran the other way into a scene of mass chaos! Behind Christ there was the Kingdom and he was ready to give it but, it was rejected because the bride was not ready to throw aside her earthly desires...

One thing that Jesus told me this morning is that, we can cry for Heaven to come all we want but, if we are not ready to receive what he fully wants to give us then why are we asking for it?! It's our turn to show Him that we really want him, he has already reveal His heart, its time for us to reveal ours! The things that we have longed for in the Church, are things he has wanted for longer... we stand up for a minute in a worship service going for it, and then afterward we say "that was good" and go right back to our routine... Jesus is calling the Bride into a place of radical pursuit!
He wants to be longed for, just has much as we want to be longed for...
We must lock gazes with the one with eyes of fire, soon as we see those excited eyes, their will be nothing that we desire more than to gaze into them daily!

I felt I was suppose to share,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What is on My Heart Today!

To be wholely intoxicated by the beauty of his face, to be fully consumed by the fire that enters my soul! To live on the excitement in His eyes, the excitement of his eyes drives himself to do, what his father loves... to do what captures his father's heart!
When you see him with those eyes of fire, all you want to do is run! When he comes to you full of excitement, asking "Are you ready? Are you ready, to fully experience myself?" All you can say is yes, that is what it's like to be completely fascinated with Him! To know his emotions is to experience the fire, to see those eyes... to see his smile... to feel his heart.. is to be a walking to know Him!

To have the knowledge of God, to know him as the creatures know Him... to love as Christ loves! To be fascinated, is the cry!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Window Seat DIY

 So I got ridiculously crafty the other day and this is what I created....
Before.... a plain boring window seat.
After.... a comfy sitting place.
It is very simply how I created the curtains for this little spot, the steps are below!

1. I took twine and cut it into two 6 foot strands.

2. I went to random stores for the fabric, then I cut them into 4 foot strips.

3. Next, I tied all the fabric strips onto the strands of twine... when you do this make sure you have a even amount for each strand. 

4. Then I tacked the first strand of curtain of fabric strips to the ceiling.... and then half way behind the first curtain, I hung the second fabric strip curtain, and just tacked it to each wall.. on each side of the window seat.

5. Then I took double sided tape and stuck the pictures to the strips of fabric!

Super easy, and inviting!

And just for fun, a new song I discovered.